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The Bags That I Carry

A bag full of tears that

Flood the universe into a boundless ocean

Nourish the fruitless

Wash away the useless

Erode seemingly insurmountable pain

Drown me in dreams untold

Nourish my thirst for a tomorrow


A bag full of purple - a mix of red and blue

Blue heart

Red eyes

Blue veins

Red cheeks

Blue fingers

Red blots

Blue soul


A bag full of jokes

That free me from this world of








A bag full of plastic bottles to recycle

So that I can exchange it for

A bag full of change

A bag void of air

A bag that fills the hungry

A bag that empties the greedy


A bag of emptiness that's

Heavier than all the matter in the world

A heartaching parasite that sucks me dry

A gift from silence, shyness, depression, ...

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